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You can use planner-deadline.el to automatically recalculate days to a deadline by adding (require 'planner-deadline) to your ~/.emacs. With the default setup, make your tasks of the form

     #A0 _ Some task {{Deadline: 2004.09.12}}

(Note: There must be at least one space after the colon.)

After you run planner-deadline-update to update task descriptions, the task will be of the form

     #A0 _ Some task {{Deadline: 2004.09.12 - 2 days}}


— User Option: planner-deadline-regexp

Regular expression for deadline data. The special deadline string should be regexp group 1. The date (YYYY.MM.DD) should be regexp group 2.


— Function: planner-deadline-update

Replace the text for all tasks with deadlines. Deadlines are of the form ‘{{Deadline: YYYY.MM.DD}}’ by default.

— Function: planner-deadline-change &optional date

Change the deadline of current task to date. If date is nil, remove deadline.